M.E.G北极薄荷 高浓缩保持警觉消除疲劳军事级 口香糖 5粒
- 配料表:口香糖
- 保质期:900
- 食品添加剂:口香糖
- 净含量:12g
- 包装方式:包装
- 系列:口香糖
- 产地:美国
MILITARY ENERGY GUM ARCTIC MINT - 5 Pieces per pack - 100mg Caffeine per piece
军事能源 北极薄荷 高 军事级 口香糖 5粒/袋 每粒含100mg=两罐红牛
美国高浓缩军事口香糖(MSCG) - 获美国防部军资准入, 列为营级以上部队标配。美国军事级特种口香糖, 由MILITARY ENERGY公司为前线部队开发, 每颗含100mg, 吃一颗相当于喝两罐红牛, 能瞬间消除疲劳, 提升肌体反应, 强化单兵作战持久力, 堪比我军战备茅台。^_^ |
本店铺为Military Energy Gum品牌在中国授权经销商。
- 开始工作瞬间...咀嚼一块可提供100毫克的,是药片或咖啡5倍的吸收速度。
- 1块咀嚼5分钟即可
- 如果您15分钟内还没有清醒,可以咀嚼第2块。
- 3小时内不要使用超过2块,24小时内不要使用超过10块。
- 可以在《预防杂志》上面看到
- GORILLA GUM has had tremendous success in supporting our troops in the Middle East. First Responders, Firefighters, Police Officers, and Security Personnel have also found GORILLA GUM to be a powerful, compact, fast acting tool for stopping fatigue.
- 高口香糖支持美军在中东战场上取得重大成功。第一个反应,消防员、、保安人员也发现高口香糖是停郑劳的有效办法。
- Begins working instantly...Through oral absorption, chewing one piece delivers 100 mg of caffeine five times faster than pills or coffee.
- 开始工作瞬间...咀嚼一块可提供100毫克的,是药片或咖啡5倍的吸收速度。
- GORILLA GUM formula was developed exclusively for Military and Security Agencies and their members.
- 高口香糖配方是专为军事和安全机构的成员而提供的。
- GORILLA GUM won the Army's Greatest Invention of the Year Award for 2005 and GORILLA GUM was selected for inclusion in the EMMY gift bags.
- 高口香糖赢得了军队的极伟大的发明年度奖, 2005年被选定为包含在艾美奖礼品袋。
The U.S. Military has researched and tested for 6 years to help stop fatigue related injuries and deaths. The result, STAY ALERT ENERGY CAFFEINE GUM, is now available. Soldiers no longer have to resort to eating freeze dried coffee grounds in the field to stay alert. Stay Alert is an effective and efficient tool for addressing problems that have caused injuries and deaths among out troops. Not only does STAY ALERT decrease accidents, but it increases soldier performance. Clinical studies have proven increased physical and coginitive performance as well as improved marksmanship and overall vigilance under sleep deprived conditions. STAY ALERT GUM is proven to provide the most rapid absorption of caffeine through the oral membrane in the mouth, while also being the most compact, lightweight, and convenient vehicle. STAY ALERT decreases accidents, increases performance, saves lives.
美国军事研究和测试了6年来帮助阻郑劳相关的损伤和死亡。因此,保持警觉能源口香糖 ,现在是可用的。士兵们再也不用诉诸吃冷冻干燥咖啡渣在该领域保持警觉。高口香糖,是一个有效和高效的解决问题的工具,已经减少了部队的受伤和死亡。不仅保持警觉,减少事故,它还提高了士兵的表现。临床研究已经证明增加体力和认知的性能以及改进的法和睡眠剥夺条件下的整体警惕。保持警觉口香糖被证明是提供极快速吸收的,但同时也极紧凑,重量轻,方便通过口腔黏膜吸收。保持警觉,减少事故,提高了性能,拯救。